UNHURRY HACK: Revival isn’t found in a mantra or a resolution. Lasting breath is found in Christ alone.
Psalm 143, Ezekiel 37:1-14
Are you running on empty? Are there areas in your life gasping for breath? More than just resting from physical activity, our soul often needs renewal.
We all experience seasons from time to time that need fresh air and life breathed back into them. Are there areas in your life today that have grown stagnant or even unhealthy? I have certainly been there and it can be hard to find our way out of these stale places. However, it is in these moments that we can cry out to the Lord. Revive me O Lord!
What needs renewal today?Here are a few examples:
Revive my heart
Revive my walk with God
Revive my ministry
Revive my outreach
Revive my family
Revive my marriage
Revive my friendship
Revive my workplace
Revive my calling & the dreams you’ve put in my heart
Lead me to your fountain of your fresh living water Jesus. “I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain” (Psalm 143:6).
Are you like me and try to revive things yourself? A cry of my heart has often been, “If I just get my act together and do this or that perhaps things will change,” but my success and hope are short lived and short sighted. Because I’m not the source of life, my new start eventually fizzles and fails. Perhaps you’ve claimed similar promises for your day.
“It’s time for a new me,” we say to ourselves. “The diet starts tomorrow,” “from now on I’m going to be more patient,” “starting today, no more negativity.” Sayings like these shape our thoughts and maybe even our routines for a while, but they don’t hydrate our thirsty soul. Lasting change in any area of our life begins and is maintained through a daily walk with Jesus. True change takes place when we start there first!
I’ve learned that real change and revival aren’t found in a mantra or a resolution. Lasting breath is found in Christ alone. Daily, we need Jesus to show us how to take the hurry and hustle off of our heart, unhurry our heart and learn his pace instead. A life lived out daily with Jesus is the difference between minimal daily heartbeat and a life pulsing with joy and peace.
We can commune with the Lord every hour, minute, and second of the day—what an amazing privilege and blessing for each Child of God:
God’s Word is our hydration
Prayer is our conversation
God’s power is our execution
A life with Jesus is a life of change because in him we are not just altered, we are a new creation. Our life is not limited to the flesh we see on our bones and the earthly oxygen in our lungs. We can live and breathe Christ’s every single day.
“… anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (New Living Translation)
Whether we are brand new to Jesus or a seasoned Christian we can cry out to God for revival in any stagnant area of our life. Ezekiel 37:1-14 tells of a valley of dry bones raised to walk in a new body and breath of life. If God can revive dried up sinew, how much more can he breathe life into you?
Our fast paced world today wants instant results without the work and patience of the process. I am guilty of this too. Heart matters sometimes take time, but we can be certain that God hears our prayers (Psalm 143:1-6). We can put our trust in the Lord to guide our steps and recharge us daily with his unfailing love (Psalm 143:7-9). God will protect us from the enemy, sustain us, and preserve our life (Psalm 143:9-12).
Father God, daily lead me to your Word, lift my head in prayer, and breathe your power into my life. When life feels stale and needs renewal, remind me to cry out to you… Revive me O Lord…Raise me to walk in you! In Jesus Name, Amen
Thank you for your encouragement to move at God's pace in our pursuit of rest for our souls.