UNHURRY HACK: We can let go and let Jesus carry us. The back of the Almighty is tireless.
Isaiah 46:3-4
“Will God really stick with me?” It is hard to imagine that the One True God of all the universe would want to keep His promises to us, even after His people have been untrue. Our Mighty God loves us with an infinite love that we can only hope to learn to imitate. The Bible proclaims God’s character and message on every single page, one of which is that we have a God who stays.
Isaiah wrote to call the nation of Judah back to God and to tell of salvation. “Listen to me, descendants of Jacob…” (vs 3). The mention of descendants of Jacob and remnant speaks to God’s covenant love for His people, keeping the promise He made long ago to Abraham (Genesis 17:7). Even though these descendants left to follow other people, places, and things, God kept His promise. He will be our God. As the Lord spoke this to His children long ago, He speaks to us today. This faith relationship we have today with our Mighty God through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ—it’s for a lifetime and all eternity.
“Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” -- Psalm 68:19

He carries us. The back of the Almighty is tireless. We are a stubborn people who are easily distracted and prone to wander. What loving words are expressed in verse Isaiah 46:4. “I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.” What a tender image of our Great Shepherd who not only tends His sheep, but who pursues the lost and rejoices when they are found (Luke 15:7). Our Father welcomes the repentant heart with open arms through the cleansing blood of Jesus. Sin and guilt make us wonder if we’ve strayed too far, or one too many times. There is such good news! The grace and forgiveness of God is steadfast like His love. Does this day find you wandering? Come back.
We have a God who stays. Why is it so hard to let Him be our God? Why do we prefer our own destructive ways over His grace and goodness? Why do earthly things still lure our hope and trust? Generations have fought His love. Generations have fought His care. Let us be a people who fall at the feet of our Savior. Let it start with you and me. Let us proclaim His love to all the nations. He is our God, and we are His people.

Do you let Jesus carry you, or are you fighting His love today. Are you trying to prove that you can do this life all by yourself? Let this be the day of surrender. Jesus knows you. Jesus made you. Jesus cares for you. Stop fighting and just relax, settle into His mighty arms today. Bask in love and promise. Rest there in His care.
Father God, thank you for carrying me, for being a God who stays. I can stand on your promises because they are steadfast and true. Write your words on my heart today. Help me to let go of the worldly things I am clinging to that I think are holding me together and carrying me. Forgive me. I surrender these and choose your care today instead. In Jesus Name, Amen.
