“When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way” Psalm 142:3
The next time you are faced with a big decision, wouldn’t it be nice to have a flow chart from God? Each step from start to finish clearly stated in bold text with bright arrows pointing out the path?
As believers we are called to follow God’s will for our lives, but understanding His will and what step to take next can be really challenging, if not down right frustrating.
There are times when we literally find our foot dangling in the air, ready to take an obedient step, but no step is yet to be found to place our foot upon. So we wait…and, after a while that foot can get a little tired dangling out there! Those toes start to tingle and fall asleep, our knee grows a little squeaky, and our thigh muscle tightens in pain. Our balance begins to wobble, arms start flapping, and by now the muscles in our torso are holding on for dear life. The waiting is not easy. But God promises us something about seeking God’s will and it is worth the wait.
1 John 5:14-15 tells us we can have confidence in knowing that our prayers to follow God’s will are answered.
Proverbs 3:5 shows us what that looks like as we go about our daily life. It’s a commonly read verse, but let’s dig deeper to the marrow:
(Proverbs 3:5)
“Trust in the LORD (we can rely on, and have confidence in our Creator God)
with all your heart (leaves no room in our heart for doubt, worry, or reliance on our own self)
and lean not on your own understanding; (our hearts and minds aren’t always going to understand God’s ways, God’s plan or silence may not make sense at the moment)
in all your ways acknowledge him, (We need to pray and seek God, but also we need to be

A beautiful reminder captured outside my window while waiting in the school car pick up line….Like sunshine piercing through these dark clouds, God may burst forth at any moment with clear direction.
walking with the Lord in all areas of our life, so we hear his voice-God speaks to us sometimes through the most unlikely circumstances)
and he will make your paths straight.” (His way never fails! Perfectly crafted in his timing, our Heavenly Father illuminates each step of his will for our life in his timing.) Walking on a surefooted path is worth the wait. God promises us that we can put our confidence in him because he knows the way. His ways are not always our ways, so we have to listen for his direction. Keep our eyes and ears turned toward Him because at any moment He may burst forth with clear direction. When we become a Christian, this promise to us becomes a blessing. Psalm 36:8 says of the LORD, “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light, we see light.” By following Jesus, we live life to its fullest as God created it to be. And that is worth the wait!